Primary School Workshops In All Major Science Areas

Aligned to the Australian Curriculum

We offer a range of incursion topics encompassing biological, chemical, earth and space, and physical sciences as well as STEM workshops tailored for Australian Primary Schools, from foundation to level 6.  During our sessions, students develop critical and creative thinking skills. They will ask questions, make predictions and draw conclusions using scientific methods.



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I just wanted to send an email to say thanks for organising everything at such short notice. James was amazing and the kids were enthralled – he is a real credit to your business.

Andy Science Party July 24, 2024

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We were very impressed with both presenters. The students were engaged and enjoyed the hands on components of these sessions. The content related very well to what was taught within our Unit of Inquiry. We highly recommend this program to other teachers and schools!

Erika Coatesville Primary School July 16, 2024

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Great company to deal with. I was organising for a cluster of schools. Communication was excellent and very friendly. Thank you.

Julie Eskdale Primary School June 28, 2024