Year 1 Topics
We offer the following engaging science workshops and shows for Year 1 students.
Material Science
Explore the world around you- sort, classify and test the physical properties of natural and processed materials. Discover how materials can change physically as well as chemically. Suitable for Foundation to Year 3. Available in VIC, NSW & QLD.
Robotics and Coding
In this exciting workshop, students will work in pairs to build and program real robots. Our robotics kits will keep students engaged from beginner to advanced, and teachers may learn something too! This workshop uses a pen-and-card based programming system, so no computers are required. Suitable for Year 1 to Year 6. Available in VIC and NSW.
Living Things
This workshop is full of life. Explore objects that have self-sustaining processes like plants, animals and mirco-organisms. Through engaging hands-on activities learn about the difference between living and non-living things, simple life cycles and the bigger picture. Suitable for Foundation to Year 6. Available in VIC, NSW & QLD.
Chemistry Chaos
Colour changes, smoke, fizz and foam! Everything in our world is made up of chemicals. Explore chemical reactions, physical changes and more. Suitable for Foundation to Year 6. Available in VIC, NSW & QLD.
Kitchen Chemistry
A fun food workshop challenging you to think about everyday food in a whole new way. Experiment with a variety of food-related chemicals, and you even get to take home a bag of sweet, tongue-tingling sherbet! Suitable for Foundation to Year 2. Available in VIC, NSW & QLD.
Light & Sound
Make some waves, and colour your classroom with rainbows. Using a sensory approach learn all about the properties and transmission of light and sound energy. Suitable for Foundation to Year 3. Available in VIC, NSW & QLD.
Forces In Action
From an apple falling to the ground to a car rolling to a halt, forces are constantly at work. A stimulating, hands-on look at things that move, and why! Suitable for Foundation to Year 6. Available in VIC, NSW & QLD.
Toy Technology
Be immersed in the wonderful science of toys. Explore energies, materials, movement and sound. Spin some colour, use magnets to draw, and even make your very own balancing toy to take home. Play has never been so educational! Suitable for Foundation to Year 2. Available in VIC, NSW & QLD.
Program-A-Bot Robotics
An introduction to robots and programming for younger students. With an intuitive interface, these colourful programmable robots will have learners excited about simple sequencing and directional language. Students work in pairs or groups of three. Suitable for Foundation to Year 2. Only available in VIC.
Plant Power
Follow the life cycle of plants, and explore the crucial role they play in the ecosystem of living things here on Earth. Learn how plants get energy and resources from their surroundings, grow from seeds, and how they reproduce and survive in all kinds of environments! Suitable for Foundation to Year 6. Available in VIC & NSW.
Wicked Weather
Air in the atmosphere is always on the move, carrying clouds, rain, and snow around the globe. Model and experiment with these air and water movements; and even erupt your own flurry of snow. Suitable for Foundation to Year 2. Available in VIC, NSW & QLD.
Water & The Environment
Water is essential to life, and is our most precious resource. We use it to drink, for cooking, washing and hygiene, recreation, industry and agriculture. During this workshop students develop an understanding and appreciation of the importance and special properties of water. Suitable for Foundation to Year 4. Available in VIC, NSW & QLD.
Mad Science Show
A jam-packed 60-minute show of big WOW science madness! It is all about air, electricity, and fire! Look out for an air zooka assault and some giant smoke vortex rings. We make some super static electricity with our Van der Graaff Generator. There are levitating beach balls, flying toilet paper, flour fireballs, and hair-raising electricity. The Mad Science Show is full of learning fun! Suitable for Foundation to Year 6. Available in VIC, NSW & QLD.
Cosmic Chemistry Show
Join us for an out-of-this-world experience as we embark on an epic journey through space! Witness explosive big bangs, count down to exciting rocket launches, and discover what makes our blue planet, Earth, truly special. We’ll take the students to the icy corners of the universe and the hottest, most uninhabitable planets. Vacuum sealed with lots of volunteer moments- let our experienced presenters bring the wonders of the solar system to life in this exciting 60-minute show. Available in VIC & NSW.
Liquid Nitrogen Show
What’s cooler than cool? Liquid nitrogen! Learn all about the states of matter and what happens when we heat things up and cool things down with our super cool chemical nitrogen. Lots of ice breaking volunteer moments, chilling demonstrations and even a frosty explosion- learn all about reversible and irreversible reactions with us! A cool 60-minute show. Suitable for Foundation to Year 12. Only available in VIC.